(it was the 22nd actually but I was away until the 23rd and I wanted to relax for a bit before comin back)
I turned 22! On the 22nd! Wow!
Had a good birthday, not much happened but it was still p chill to spend it with family while I was out on vacation.
I am feeling a bit better now so I should be able to hop back onto drawin stuff again! Expect something in a couple days or somethin, idk I'm busy with other stuff too!
Just wanted to make a news post cause I didn't want to mess up the tradition of making a news post for birthdays lol
But yeah, we chillin, recovering and whatnot, hope all goes well for y'all for the rest of this year
bye bye!
(thank you for 18k fans as well! really means a lot to me ^_^)
Happy (Belated) Birthday to you!