So chatting with some buds about Pico Day had me thinking about some sort of collaborative thing we can do with Pico and various Newgrounds characters. I had come up with the idea for a microgame compilation like WarioWare as a passing idea but it kinda stuck.
PicoWare is the name we came up with, game is as the name implies, WarioWare but with Newgrounds characters in their own little microgame collection made by the community!
Now this is where everyone else comes in, since I'm just an artist, but I'd like to see this come to fruition eventually, so I'm coordinating this collaborative effort and will help with general ideas. I cannot do any coding or stuff of that sort but I feel getting a bunch of assortments of artists, musicians, coders, voice actors, and animators would be a good tribute to the site while also making a fun little project where people can meet and work with others.
Right now this is just in the idea phase so we're figuring things out, will post more about it soon